Monday, May 12, 2014

Magic Johnson shouldn't be respected because he has aids

Donald Sterling bashes Magic Johnson on Anderson Cooper

Donald Sterling "I'm not a racist" " I don't know why the girl had me say those things"

In Donald Sterling's first public appearance since audio recordings were released showing making racist comments and being banned from the NBA. Sterling is adamant that he is not racist and was being baited by V Stiviano .

Marhall Henderson was just kidding about Michael Sam tweet

Early this morning made a tweet about Espn's Michael Sam coverage
Boycotting sportscenter til this michael sam nasty ass shit is off .... My brothers are 7 and 11 and saw that!!! #SICKENING

Now he says all that was a hoax for a study a gay friend was doing for Psychology class in school

Marshall Henderson boycotting ESPN for Michael Sam coverage

update: Marshall Henderson was just kidding about those tweets